Sometimes there’s a puzzle where the pieces just seem to easily work together with each touch. That magical feeling was the case in a recent Modern home we brought to market and sold immediately for Ellen and Eric Jorgenson.

As Ellen explains, they have a long history with this home. “My husband (Eric) grew up in the house, which his dad, an electrical engineer, built by himself in the 60’s. As an architect (sugimoss.com), I’ve always loved the house and appreciated the quality of the design and craftsmanship. We shared many meals next to the roaring fire in the two-sided fireplace my father in-law built from stones collected from a local river.” Eric’s parents had lived in and cared for their small (2,100 sf) mid-century home in Seattle Washington (Renton specifically) until just recently. When they moved out Ellen and Eric were in charge of selling their well-loved family home.

Ellen immediately reached out to 360Modern. As she says “I’ve followed 360 Modern for many years so when it came time to sell the house, I contacted Heidi. I was so delighted that she was interested in listing it! By using 360 Modern, I was hoping for more visibility in a larger community that geeks out over mid-century modern homes (like I do!). Since the house is in a rural setting, we wanted to increase the exposure of potential buyers who would perhaps not otherwise see it.” Not only is the design of the home quintessentially Modern, with a large stone fireplace divide between the kitchen and living area, glass walls in the living room and custom cabinetry in the kitchen, but there’s a workshop and an unfinished lower level that anyone could re-imagine to their own delight. If that wasn’t enough, the unusually large (59,594 sf) lot had a barn on it. There, the possibilities were completely up to the next owner’s imagination. Could the barn become an amazing detached home (DADU), or a home for a newly acquired pack of miniature horses, or maybe even a recording studio for the next Nirvana?

So the team was formed between Eric and Ellen on the seller side and Heidi and Rick Ward for 360, to bring the home to market. Heidi says “Ellen and Eric were an absolute dream, going along with all of our suggestions with good humor and purpose, They cleared the home, having it painted and prepped, and then we jumped in with our team, including our window and house cleaners that we provide, awesome photography, and our advice in proper staging with our partners Modernous (modernous.com).” The result was bringing a home to market looked VERY compelling.

That’s when the 360Modern marketing magic kicked in. Since 360 focus’s solely on Modern homes the interested parties were built into our website and social media channels. 360Modern opened the door on our first open house –after accidentally losing a key through the deck boards (OOPS!) with five groups of people waiting to walk through. In the process of the whirl-wind open house we met potential buyers not only from the Seattle area, but groups that drove down from Bellingham, AND flew up from San Francisco just to see this home!

Now that the house has sold Ellen reflects on the process. “We were so delighted with the interest in the house! We had multiple offers from buyers who were dedicated to being good stewards of the house and the land. We are very pleased with the attention, enthusiasm, and dedication that Heidi and her team put into the process.

Ellen and Eric had seven highly-competitive offers, and are under contract for a “substantial amount” above asking price. Turns out the puzzle of selling a home isn’t as hard, when you have help from a team that has put it together many times before.