Seattle Architecture Foundation and the Seattle Public Library are collaborating to present a lecture by Professor Jeffery Karl Ochsner titled ‘Residential Architecture in Seattle and Environs, 1880-2000‘ on Saturday April, 29th at 1:00pm. This lecture is free to the public.
Seattle Public Library
1000 Fourth Ave
Seattle, WA 98104
Via Seattle Architecture Foundation:
In collaboration with the Seattle Public Library, we are excited to host Professor and architectural historian Jeffrey Karl Ochsner for a FREE lecture on Seattle’s single-family residential architecture from the early years of the city to the twenty-first century.
This lecture will address the development of single-family residential architecture in the Seattle area from the 1880s to the 2000s. The lecture will begin with the house types and styles of the late nineteenth century and will move through the house types and styles of the twentieth century. Ochsner will discuss architects, influences, styles, constructional character and other aspects of the residential architecture found in the city and its suburbs.
Ochsner has taught in the Department of Architecture at the University of Washington for 29 years. He has written and/or edited five books addressing Seattle’s architectural and urban history, including the Second Edition of Shaping Seattle Architecture: A Historical Guide to the Architects, published by UW Press in 2014.

To find out more about this event click here.