The Woman Who Helped Bring Modernism to the PNW: Mary Lund Davis

Mary Lund Davis entered UW in 1942, during World War II. Her male classmates were all called to serve. Studying and learning alone removed a support network, but may have enabled freer thinking. In 1946 she became the first female architect in Washington State.

The Pass Life Community Expands with Modern Single Family Homes in Hyak

On Saturday, October 12, Bryce and his team in collaboration with 360modern, will unveil the next phase of The Pass Life: two modern homes unlike any other available in a mountain community in the state. These aren’t townhomes or lofts, they’re fully detached single family homes with 2-3 bedrooms and 2-3 baths designed with a modern aesthetic that incorporates the stunning natural views surrounding the homes.

Ralph Anderson – An Architect Who Bridged Preservation and Modernism

A city is defined by its people, but individual architects inspire changes others can’t see. Ralph Anderson was an architect who saw the value in the historic and the potential of the future. Even if you don’t realize it, if you’re familiar with Seattle, you’re familiar with his work.